Dear Dirtbag ArtHaus Members and Students,

We are excited to introduce our new Kiln Firing Sign-Up feature, designed to keep everyone informed and organized about the status of the kiln and simplify the firing process.

For Both Members & Students:
You will sign up for kiln firing in the same way using the app, but please ensure you select the correct firing type to ensure accurate charges.

  • Members: Please select Member Bisque or Member Glaze based on your needs. Your firing fees are included in your membership, but it’s important that you choose the correct firing type when registering your pieces.

  • Students: Please select Student Bisque or Student Glaze for any student work. The charges for student firing are different from member firing, so it’s important to mark your pieces correctly to ensure the correct fee is applied.

If the correct firing type is not selected, we will not load your work into the kiln, so please double-check before submitting!

By using the app, you'll be able to track the exact time when the kiln will be finished loading, keeping you updated on the status of your pieces.

To Sign Up:

We are thrilled to offer this service to keep everyone on the same page and ensure that all work is fired accurately and on time. If you have any questions or need help with the sign-up process, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Looking forward to seeing all your pieces ready to fire!